Tuesday, 28 December 2010

Where to begin?

I've always wanted to start a blog but I could never come up with a purpose for it. Then yesterday, a very new friend of mine inspired me to do something about being a Law student. The thing is, I'm not a perfect Law student at all so this is going to be me showing you how I do it all wrong so you and I can hopefully figure out the right way :)

I'll tell you a bit about myself shall I?
  • I'm 19 years old.
  • I'm a Law Student in my first year.
  • I haven't planned out the future yet but we'll see how things go
  • I'm a daydreamer and I love to laugh.
  • Motivation is certainly not my middle name but clumsy definitely is.
  • I have great friends, all lovely in very unique and different ways.
Peace at for now, I'm just off to dump a cat in a wheelie bin and then use the 'I'm a Law student, I can do whatever  I want' excuse :)

Love from a very bad Law Student xx

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